Now Enrolling
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
All students will be dropped of between 8:15am-8:30am on the side. Please pull up to the sidewalk near the front school patio. Please see the map for the flow of traffic.
Staff members will be outside to direct children inside of the school.
Parents should NOT get out of the car while sitting in the drop-off line.
Please be patience for the first few days as we will make this process quick.

All students will be picked up starting at 3:05pm on the side. Please pull up to the sidewalk near the front school patio. Please see the map for the flow of traffic.
A staff member will take the number for your child.
Parents should NOT get out of the car while sitting in the drop-off line. If you need to something, please pull around to the side of the building and park your car.
Please be patience for the first few days as we will make this process quick.